![SackBoy & Stitch](http://paddyfellows.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Photo-Oct-17-14-47-15-e1287335719913-225x300.jpg)
So an hours worth of Podcasting and drinking was completed and all was well.
Common sense would have told us to stop and record another time, but we have never been ones for listening to common sense.
If you thought our usual Podcasting efforts were easily derailed from topic – well it seems greater beer = greater rambling – yeah we seemed to leave topic a lot more often in the second half of the recording.
I’ll let you get on with listening.
Part 1 is available Here if you have not already listened to it.
Now to mention our second Sponsor.
Sponsor #2
Our Sponsor for the second half of the Podcast is Tim Lumb (http://twitter.com/lolwithtim/) who came and did work experience at Thirteen1. He went to the EuroGamer Expo in London and brought back a code for a free costume pack for Little Big Planet – which he gave to me.
If you want to get yourself, your product or anything at all mentioned at the start of a Podcast – Simply become a sponsor by sending us something interesting (Beer is always a good option) if you can’t do it in person feel free to drop a Email to paddy@drunken-gamer.com and I’m sure something can be sorted out.
Here are the topics that we tried to stick too in this second half of episode 6, shockingly we wandered off topic many times
Cataclysm Release Date & Warcraft passes 12Million concurent subscribers
It was officially announced – you will no longer get full sentences out of me after the 7th of December as that is when Cataclysm releases – then a few days after that announcement they published their latest landmark on the rise of players to answer questions as to whether its popularity was waning
DC Universe Online Pushed back
Perhaps in bad news – DC Universe on the same day was pushed back from a November 2010 to an early 2011 launch – but rumors are that if they have brought it out in time for the first target it would have been unfinished and floundered when Cata came out – so probably for the best
Rockstar wins lawsuit against The Daily Star
The Daily Star – that pinicle of reporting excellence – back in july one of their reports fell for a really shitty photoshopped cover for ‘GTA: Rothbury’ and a rumour that rockstar were working on a GTA game based on the Raoul Moat incident. Obviously fake, rockstar sued and have won ‘Substantial Damages’ http://www.mcvuk.com/news/41180/Rockstar-wins-GTA-Rothbury-damages
Nintendogs Blamed for Dog Attack
Another Daily Fail story i’m afraid – nine year old girl is attacked by a dog while playing nintendogs, the reporter of the Daily Mail and the grandmother of the child nuturally think that it is the barking of the game that set off the dog – anyway 600 words of alarmist anti-gaming bullshit they finally throw in as an aside that the grandmother may have mentions that the child had kicked the dog – but that clearly had nothing to do with it attacking http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315826/Girls-lip-torn-dog-heard-barking-Nintendo-DS.html
Guillermo Del Toro is taking his time
Recently Pans Labyrinth & Hellboy Director announced he was working with THQ on some High Profile games – Interviewed again recently he stated that the first one would Lovecraftian feel to it and had a ‘long deadline, best case scenario were looking at 2013 for the first game’ http://www.joystiq.com/2010/09/29/best-case-scenario-del-toros-lovecraftian-thq-game-in-2013/
Ok so nintendo had a big press event and gave out lots of information – mainly about the 3DS but the amount of infor is that great ill make it one mention. 3DS Release Date Jap, Feb2011 – EU/US, March 2011 – Estimated Price $300 – will have a virtual console of older gameboy’s – will include 3D Streaming TV in Japan – Wii motes are being updated and will be available with motion plus built in http://kotaku.com/5650944/3ds-gets-price-date-streaming-tv-games-details
Not much more to the story than that – but in order to reduce overlap between Game & Gamestation (both owned by the same group) and reduce overheads they are shutting 85 stores over the next 3 years http://www.joystiq.com/2010/09/29/game-to-close-85-uk-stores/
Guybrush Threepwood to Appear in Force Unleashed 2
Platform crossovers seem to be all the rage at the minute – but this is quite a odd one. Unknown is how but the star of monkey island will be unlocked but it will be available as a character skin in the game – but lets ask which character you would like to see in a game that they dont belong in? http://www.1up.com/news/monkey-island-guybrush-threepwood-force
Microsoft May Purchase Second Life Developer Linden Labs
Microsoft are looking to expand into the online community space by purchasing Second Life – but will it work? Lord only knows the draw to second life and all similar clone’s have had bad starts (See Playstation Home) so why would they buy it? http://www.1up.com/news/microsoft-may-purchase-second-life-dev
Because the spring release schedule is already quite packed for 2011 Microsoft and Epic have decided to push the launch fo the third game in this great series from april to the Fall release window and make it the marquee title for the holiday season – good move or bad move? http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/01/gears-of-war-3-delayed/
Onlive have dropped the monthly fee
Onlive is an interesting concept where all the games are played on remote servers and the playing is sent back as a video stream to your screen. Well the initial plan was a subscription of $15 a month but now they have decided that they should make it that you only pay when you want to buy access to a game – but the service and demos are all free. This has even happened before the ‘Founder members’ the beta testers who pre-ordered got out of the free year they got for pre-ordering meaning the service has not taken any sub fees yet. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/04/onlive-ditching-proposed-monthly-charge-microconsoles-in-manufa/
LOTRO shows 300% player increase and doubles its revenue since going free to play
Following suit with DDO turbine took lord of the rings online free to play, and has once again been proved right to do so. Since going free to play last month they have seen over million new subscriptions, 300% concurrent players increase and 400% active player total, but what is even more interesting is that the model has seen a doubling of the games revenue and seeing as the game was not exactly struggling to begin with this can only be good news for turbine – shame codemasters are still stalling on the EU free to play launch http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/07/lord-of-the-rings-online-doubles-revenue-since-going-free-to-pla/
Heart of the swarm unlikely before 2012
At GDC online in austin battle.net director made mention that the next part of the StarCrat 2 Trilogy was ‘tentatively on schedule for a march/april 2012 launch’ – as more of a fan of the single player storyline that the online multiplayer thats a shame but was to be expected http://kotaku.com/5658610/starcraft-iis-next-episode-still-a-good-18-months-out
Nintendo doesnt blame piracy for slowing software sales
president of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, has stated that ‘ I do not think that we should attribute bad software sales solely to piracy’ which is an incredible statement considering that company is one of the most active in trying to counter piracy – he went on to say that instead nintendo prefer to work on the idea of making games that more of their customers are willing to sell out for – sometimes the most simple statements show such genious http://kotaku.com/5659575/nintendo-we-cant-blame-piracy-for-poor-game-sales
The best buy – PS3 firmware debarcle
Ok I can see why so many people are up in arms about it, it is preying on the retarded, but it has kinda been blown out of proportion – Best Buy have been offering up for sale new PS3’s with a $30 increase in price, the reason for the increase is that they will apply the firmware update for you. People have seen this as charging for something that is free, but its not its charging for the time of the staff that install it as if you can buy the console without this firmware and install it yourself for free http://kotaku.com/5656655/seriously-this-should-be-llegal-part-ii
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/13/lovefilm-coming-to-uk-ps3s-in-november/ – Love Film Streaming on PS3 for UK
http://www.thirteen1.com/2010/10/11/tenacious-d-to-close-blizzcon-2010/ – Tenacious D Close Blizzcon
http://www.massively.com/2010/10/13/rumor-final-fantasy-xiv-draws-a-26-million-ragequit/ – Apparently someone was so annoyed at how much of a fail FFXIV was he sold all of his $26 million stake in square enix
http://www.nowgamer.com/news/4422/rumour-valve-to-offer-steam-trade-ins – Valve to offer tradin for digital distribution games – only a rumor but lord let it be true
Thanks Paddy. Will listen to the podcast tomorrow.
No worries don’t forget to spam it out to your friends as well – all 2hrs of it :p